E is no longer on free promotion, however it is on sale on Kindle for only $2.99. It is also available in the Kindle Lending Library, so if you have Prime, you can still read it for free! Enjoy!
busy week
It has been a craaaaaazy week. I’ve been so so busy with a ton of things, and hardly five seconds to take a deep breath. I’m still trying to get all kinds of stuff done. Hopefully within the next week or so I will finish the formatting and have E up on CreateSpace so it will be available in print. I’m totally psyched about that.
Speaking of psyched, I got my first review on Amazon this week, and it is five stars! *Does the happy author dance*. Great big shout out with many thanks to mrwolf for being the first to dive in there and write a review. Here’s a little snippet:
…and out of the 40 or so books I downloaded open up E. What a pleasant surprise. The book is very well written. Right from the start you’re drawn up and caught in the main character’s predicaments. You’re practically walking along her side learning about her just as she is learning about herself. The book did not last long in my hands and it ends just as the sun begins to rise this morning.
… and read the rest here if you would like to see the whole thing.
And in other exciting news, E will be featured on Peace, Love, and Writing’s Book Madness Week this Wednesday, May 21st! Thanks a ton to Prudence Hayes for all her hard work helping us authors get our books out there to the people who want to read them. It would be an impossible mission without the help of awesome bloggers and awesome readers!
Next weekend we are going to be out of town, so I need to get some writing done TODAY! I’m still aiming for book 2 by the end of the year. More on that soon…
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing day and get the appreciation you deserve! Today is the final day that E is free on Kindle. Grab a copy and curl up in a cozy corner. Enjoy!
Launching is a lot of work. Whew.
OK, so who knew that launching a book was so much work? (All the other authors in the room raise their hands.) *Ignores them*.
Lets just say… I knew it was work, but really, this is a lot. It’s not just the launching, but the trying to TELL EVERYBODY ABOUT IT, AAAAHG!!!!! I have been spending a lot of time trying to get the word out. I’m not really a social-media-kinda-girl, so that has been an experience. I’m starting to get the hang of it. The thing is, normally, I would be writing. I have that second book just sitting there, partly written, waiting for me to get back to it. I’m dying to tell the rest of the story.
For those of you who are wondering, E will be… at least… a trilogy. I am still debating whether or not that will give me enough room to tell everything. It may evolve into a longer series. In addition to that, there will be a prequel, which I am almost dying to write more than the rest of the story. (As a matter of fact I have started writing it because I just. couldn’t. resist.) I feel like there is a lot going on right now, so there is not a lot of time to get to the things that I really want to be doing. I’m trying to get so many things started, get a web presence out there, which is sadly something I have neglected until I was ready to launch. I am also still working on this site. You might notice it is not exactly the most put-together of sites. I am working on a new banner, which is a bit of an art project. The current banner is a character from another novel I wrote, but have not (yet) published. (More on that later.) And then there’s like a bajillion things with work and life in general. So yeah, I’m feeling a bit scattered.
I know I just need to start focusing on a few tasks at a time. I think it is going to become easier as I get things up and running. I need to take the advice of Marquita Herald, who wrote a brilliant little book on promoting your work as an author and managing your time. She basically said to pick a few things and stick with them. Normally I’m good with that, but I don’t like to have too many options. Or at least, no one should ever give me too many options if they expect me to get anything done, because I will spend a year mulling them all over.
At any rate, I am trying to narrow my focus, and maybe this weekend I will declare one of the days a no-media day and only work on my writing. That being said, I am pleased to see a substantial number of downloads of my book, which is totally awesome. If you haven’t got it yet, it’s free on Kindle through Sunday, May 11th. Read up!
For a limited time only…
Grab it now on Kindle: Your free copy of E. Come on. You know you want to.
My free promotion has begun and will run through Sunday, May 11th. It’s brand new, and this is just the beginning, folks. I would love, love, love to hear what you think!
Kindle Free Promotion
To celebrate my launch, E will be free on Kindle from Wednesday, May 7th through Sunday, May 11th. Get a free copy and read up!
E available on Kindle tonight!
Launch day is finally here! My new dystopian novel, E, will be available on Kindle tonight. We’re celebrating here with our own little launch party. Get it, read up, and let me know what you think. Book 2 is currently in the works and will hopefully be available sometime toward the end of the year. If you read it and love it, tell your friends, follow me on Facebook, write a review. All these things will help keep me writing!
Happy launch day, everyone!
May the Fourth Be With You
Happy Star Wars Day to all you other SW fans!
For the record, I don’t consider myself a nerd. However, if I was going to be a nerd, I would be a Star Wars nerd. While I don’t bother memorizing the make and model of every ship, cataloging the vast number of species that inhabit the SW galaxy, or that sort of thing, I grew up on SW. It is part of my personal culture.
I was too little to understand the story when A New Hope came out. My mom took us to the drive-in to see it. I remember flopping around on her lap, a little bored and tired, asking repeatedly when the princess was going to come back. I wanted to see the princess, dammit. When it came out on video, the boy next door got a copy. He came over to watch it. And then my brother borrowed it. We watched that movie every day, sometimes three times a day, for god knows how long. Long enough for it to seep into my soul. Somewhere between then and now, I became a die-hard SW fan.
My Star Wars Nerd Qualifications:
- I have an original Chewbaca figure (um, somewhere) and a not-so-original Chewbaca on the shelf in my living room.
- People get me Star Wars cards for my birthday.
- I have a bumper sticker. Eep.
- One of the first piano songs I learned to play was the SW theme. I own the book with the whole soundtrack.
- I’ve been Return-of-the-Jedi Princess Leia for Halloween.
- Yes, I’ve played the RPG.
There’s considerably more, but I’m not telling you. I may be overly qualified as a SW nerd. Anyway, happy SW Day. May the Fourth be with you! Always!
Ah, the dream…
OK, so obviously this blog is relatively new and if you’re here, you’re probably wondering about me. So here’s a beginning. The dream.
A lot of people talk about it– becoming a successful writer and quitting their day jobs. Getting away from the cubicle, the office building, the boss. Liberation. Working on their own terms. Being in control of their own destiny (Luke). Becoming a writer is a convenient route of escape.
Then there’s the ones who imagine themselves the next big superstar. The next Steven King, Suzanne Collins or Veronica Roth. Writing is their ticket to Beverly Hills. Fortune. Fame. Drinking brandy and smoking cigars. That sort of thing.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ll take the brandy and cigars if you’ve got ’em (bubblegum, preferably), but my version of ‘the dream’ is a bit different. My day job? I actually really love my day job. As far as day jobs go, I’m exceedingly lucky. I have lots of fun, I like the people I work with, and I actually could picture myself doing it until I am old and grey. There’s just one thing. It’s not writing.
Here’s my version of the dream: Me. My laptop. Lots of coffee. Papers scattered around me. My fingers are clicking away on the keys. I’m in the zone.
So, in some ways, I’m already living the dream. But I want more of it. Lots more. I’m a writing junky.
Someone recently said to me (disbelievingly), “So, if you won the lottery today, you’d spend your time writing?”
Me: “Yeah.”
Them: “Not like… traveling the world and trying new things….”
Me: “I could travel the world, try new things, and write about them. There would be plenty of time if I won the lottery.”
Them: (more wordless disbelief)
So yeah, I am infuriatingly in love with writing. Writing, itself, is the dream. If you can understand that, then hey, we might just get along. 🙂
Encouraging feedback so far…
The feedback so far has been great! A lot of thoughtful, insightful comments. A good measure of praise. 😀 No major issues. I’ve made a couple of small tweaks, but for the most part, it looks like we are clear for takeoff. I’m getting truly excited now! I’m waiting on just a couple more beta readers, so hopefully publication will be in early May.
Meanwhile, the cover is *almost* done. I should have it up soon. Promise.