So, I changed my mind about the cover design, but hey, I’m an indie author, so I can do that! Here’s the new cover design for Fairytale Evolution: Flipped. I kinda love it and I hope you do, too!
So, I changed my mind about the cover design, but hey, I’m an indie author, so I can do that! Here’s the new cover design for Fairytale Evolution: Flipped. I kinda love it and I hope you do, too!
Meet Deez, Honaia’s mentor/partner when she moves to the city. He’s a big, green, loud-mouthed troll who will say just about anything. His character was inspired by my big, not-green, loud-mouthed friend Carlos, who, incidentally, is not an asshole.
While I was writing Fairytale Evolution, I did a few story-related paintings. They’re a long way from perfect, but I thought it would be fun to share some, anyway. This is the one my family likes best, though it probably tells you the least about the story.
The big city is no match for a blue-eyed farm girl with impressive Zung Pow skills and a flair for unconventional magic. At least, that’s what Honaia tells herself when she’s unexpectedly assigned to a handsome city mage for apprenticeship. The problem is, she never really expected double agents to be involved. Or dragons. Or crazy rips in the Space-Time continuum, for that matter. But when it comes down to it, none of those things expected her either.
Flipped is the first book in the Fairytale Evolution series.
Contains: Language, violence, faeries.
Honaia smiled back at him, a sweet, childlike smile that, along with her dazzling blue eyes, had long been known to make the boys of Greenwood Glen go weak in the knees.
Honaia had never been mugged before. She’d seen it on holovision, though. Tears started to pour down her cheeks. She wanted to lay down and give up. But then, behind the tears came something else. A wave of sheer rage. The audacity of these stupid men. They wanted to mug her, did they?
“Righteous,” Honaia agreed, enthusiastically embracing the distraction from her own problems. “When do we start?”
She did the most sensible thing an apprentice mage could do. She screamed and ran.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these! Look for more snippets and teasers coming soon!
I’m running a small promotion on Evolution and Jason and Lily through this weekend only (Sept 9-11, 2016). These books will be 99 cents each on Amazon, so it’s a great time to pick up a copy if you haven’t read them yet. Also, Jason and Lily has a new cover that’s more in line with the rest of the series.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working on the rollout of my new series, Fairytale Evolution. The first book is still going through the editing process, but we’re closing in now. So far, my editor assures me there are only minor changes to be made, which is a great thing as far as getting the book out to you sooner. I should be setting a release date soon.
Also, I’ve started writing the spinoff to The E Series, but I’ll be honest and say that the writing is not going as quickly as I’d hoped. We’ve had a lot on our plates lately— health issues, back-to-school, etc— and it has been very difficult to carve out the writing time. I’m crossing my fingers for things to improve soon so that I can get things done a little faster.
I’ll be posting some Fairytale Evolution teasers before long, along with the official cover reveal (for those of you who haven’t gotten a sneak peek through the newsletter, etc.).
Have a great day!!!
Woooohoooo! I can’t believe we’ve finally come to the end of the series. It’s been an awesome experience for me as an author and I am truly thankful for having had the opportunity to write it. Now it’s on to the spinoff series for me, as well as a few other things. I’ll be writing about those soon, so check out the blog to learn more.
You’re invited! 8-12 pm Eastern. Come hang out and celebrate! Click here.
Endgame on Amazon (Not sure why they don’t have the cover picture up. Come on, Amazon!)
Endgame on Smashwords (epub)
Kobo (epub)
…Nook is still in the process of publishing it… so it should be available there… any… time….
It’s here! I know it took way longer than it was supposed to, and I apologize wholeheartedly. On the plus side, the crisis with my dad gave me a chance to see just how amazing my fans are! I am so incredibly grateful for all the kindness and understanding you all sent my way. Awesomest. Fans. Ever.
So… release day is Friday, August 12th. Endgame is on preorder right now on Amazon for $2.99. After it goes live, the price will raise to $3.99. I will be adding it to other retailers ASAP, so it will be available in different formats as well.
Here it is:
Humanity’s future is at stake. Ready to take on the Sentries, Eden prepares for the ultimate battle. She’s willing to give up everything to finally put an end to the tyranny. As alliances shift and enemies rise, she’ll need to get everything exactly right to avoid a future that’s more horrific than the one she already has.
And yep, that’s it for The E Series. This book wraps up everything.
Yes, there’s a ‘however’.
However… I will be starting work on a spinoff series (that I’ve mentioned in other blog posts) soon. So it’s not entirely the end. There will still be glimpses of your fav characters, so if, say, you have questions about what happens to them down the road… you might just find out. As everything looks right now, I’d say you can expect the first book (or two) in 2017.
Meanwhile, I’m working on the release of the first two books in a fantasy series, and they should be ready fairly soon. My editor has them right now, so it kind of depends on how much red ink I get back. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ve got the first look at those books in your inbox. If not, stay tuned for a post about them in the near future.
And, for fun, I’ll be posting some teasers leading up to the release! I’m excited! I hope Endgame answers all your questions and meets your expectations for the last book in the series!
This past few weeks has been… well… a nightmare. Almost three weeks ago, I finished writing Endgame. The following morning, I received a call with news that my dad was incredibly ill. They thought he was going to die. Needless to say, we dropped everything to be with him. And so began the long stretch of sitting at the bedside, trying to be brave, and putting everything else on the back burner.
We are incredibly lucky in that, so far, my dad has pulled through. The last span of days has been a roller-coaster ride of good days and bad days, with never any certainty or ending point on the horizon. It looks like we’re in for a long battle, and I’m OK with that, considering the alternative.
There are very few things in the world that can make me so casually set aside my writing and not even look at it. This is one of them. I’ve always been Daddy’s girl, and, though we’ve been dealing with health issues for years and I’ve been trying to prepare myself for losing him for years, I am simply not prepared, and I never will be. Since I got that call, I have literally gotten nothing done. At one point, several days in, sitting there while he slept, I attempted to do some read-through and revising on my phone. I just kept reading and reading the same thing and I’m not sure that any of it made it through to my brain. It was pointless.
Now, with things looking a bit better– he’s “stable”, but frail– I’m trying to get back to normal life. At least somewhat. We’ve managed to do some normal things like buy groceries (major victory) and get some sleep. I’m sure many of you have been through these kinds of family crises and know how it goes. I’m still devoting a lot of time and energy to Dad, which means that there’s not a lot left for editing and revising. And honestly, the revision phase of writing is always difficult and energy-draining for me, unlike the writing phase, which usually recharges me. I’m already exhausted, mentally and physically. So this last haul will be difficult, and it will likely take longer than it would have otherwise. And then subtract the three weeks that was just sucked into the vacuum of life. So what this all adds up to, as I’m sure you could have guessed after reading the title of this post, is that Endgame will be arriving later than expected.
I’ve had emails and blog comments (that I still need to reply to) asking me when Endgame would be released, and generally sharing excitement and enthusiasm over the coming release. I love receiving those and they really help motivate me. It makes me so sad to have to announce a delay because I know you’ve all been waiting for this book. And I’m as excited as you are about finishing the series. Also, I don’t feel like I can give you an exact answer at this point. I am planning on putting everything I can muster into finishing this book. I’m a driven person, so usually I would go on that alone and have a decent amount of confidence about a time frame. Only, in this case, I’m still living in anything-can-happen-land. The only honest answer is that I don’t know, but I’m going to try like crazy to keep the delay from being longer than necessary. Most likely, I think we’re looking at a matter of weeks, rather than months. And yeah, typing that, it sounds like a long time. All I can say is… I’m sorry. 🙁 I’ll do my best to post updates on Facebook, etc.
Thank you all for understanding, as I know you do. A special thanks to the ladies on my street team, for their love, support, and encouragement. 🙂
I am going to send this out in a newsletter as well, so if you’re subscribed to both blog and mailing list, please forgive the duplicate post.
And… check out the cover for Endgame, coming up this spring! Writing progress: I’ve written approximately 70K words, and still going. 🙂
Endgame is coming along nicely, still on track for spring. I’ve passed 60k words, now, which is probably around the halfway point, because it looks like this is going to be another long one. There’s so much to wrap up in this book, so many things that need to happen! Also, there’s a ton of new characters– some who will feature in the spinoff series that I will be working on when The E Series is complete.
My editor has been through the first few chapters and feedback so far is great, which is such a relief. I always sweat it while waiting on that initial feedback! Ah, the power an editor wields over us mortal writers. :p
Anyway, that’s the lowdown. Not a whole lot more to say at this point, but I’m still working as quickly as I can.
I hope life if treating all of you well!