Jason and Lily Cover Reveal

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Eden is out in three weeks, and here’s what’s next:  Jason and Lily

Cover of Jason and Lily

Long before Outpost Three…

Before battles,

Before journeys….

Before the shattering of old worlds…

…And the building of new ones….

Long before Eden and Jonas…

there was…

Jason and Lily.

Available July 23rd.

Click here to pre-order on Amazon.

Happy Book Birthday, E!

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birthday-cake-380178_640One year ago today, E was sent out into the great big world to find its way.  A lot has happened in the past year.  I’ve learned so much, and I’ve made a lot of great new friends– authors, bloggers, fans– who have been on this book journey with me.  And yeah, my baby is growing up.  So, from it’s first, wobbly, awkward-cover steps a year ago….

dystopian novel


…to today, when it’s really starting to get around, but still small, still growing…

Cover of E

I’m proud of you, E.  Happy birthday, with all my love.

The new covers are now in print!

posted in: launches and news | 2

stackedMy proofs of E and Evolution with the new covers arrived in the mail today.  They look pretty good, if I do say so myself!  So yeah, I’ve approved them for sale and they are up on Createspace now.  They should be on Amazon within the week.

I got all excited about it and took a bunch of pictures.  Check ’em out.

front covers

back covers



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You can order them here:




*Whispers* Don’t worry, Mom.  I’ve got you covered.  😉