It was an exciting morning. I love getting nice stuff in my inbox. And there’s nothing nicer than hearing good things about my book! This was all a complete surprise. I knew these lovely ladies were both going to review my book eventually, but I didn’t know it was coming today. And not just one, but two nice chunks of feedback. It was a bit like Christmas. 🙂
You can see Alice Dee’s five-star review of E on her writing blog, Behind the Novel.
And on Booklover 2.0, Laquesha has blogged about her first impressions as she gets into E. (As an author, I just love the peek into the mind of a reader who has not finished my book yet!)
Oh, and if you haven’t seen my featured artist spotlight on Light Knocks yet, that is definitely worth a read.
Lots of love to all you awesome bloggers, readers, and my fellow authors. Hope you are all having a feels-like-Christmas day, too!
Read the first 2 1/2 chapters of E:
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