It’s been such a great week! The release of Eden went perfectly, without a hitch. I can’t even begin to describe how much I enjoyed the Facebook party and the chance to hang out with some of you! We had such a great time talking about E and random stuff. There were so many laughs, and I really got to know some of you who have been quietly supporting my writing journey. It’s so incredibly encouraging to hear your thoughts on my books and see how involved you are in the story! E has grown to be so much more than just *my book*. It’s become something that you are all a part of, and that is an amazing thing!
Now I suppose it’s time to move the focus from Eden to Jason and Lily. As much as I love all my books, I have to say that this prequel holds a special place in my heart. Out of all the books I’ve written, this is the one I’m the most excited about. I cannot wait for you all to read it!
Jason and Lily tells the story you’ve all been dying to know. And at the end of Eden, I think you’ll want to know it more than ever. It’s only just over one month until the release, so we don’t have long to wait (though it seems like forever). Mark your calendars for July 23rd.
In the meantime, the giveaway for Eden is still running (until June 20th), and you can still enter for a chance to win having a character in Book 4 named after you, and more!
Speaking of giveaways, I have something very, very special planned for the release of Jason and Lily. It will be fans-only, so you’ll have to prove you’re a fan. Don’t worry—it will be easy. I just want to make sure that this prize is going to go to someone who will *love* it. Because I love it. So it must go to someone who *gets* it. 🙂 Anyway, more on that coming soon!
For now, here’s the first teaser for Jason and Lily:
“I stood staring at it—the thing in my hand. An orange, as round and fresh and vibrant as the sun.”