They’ve put flowers and feathers in my hair. Our faces and bodies are painted. There’s a trail of scarves and dangling bits and billowy embellishments floating on the wind behind us.
Hey everyone! It’s been a crazily busy week. Still working hard to get everything ready for the release of Eden. In the meantime, the free promo of E has been going great, and we had a lot of fun here celebrating Eden’s (the character, not the book) birthday (because that’s the kind of thing that crazy authors who are totally obsessed with their books do). It went something like this:
Me: It’s Eden’s birthday. I want cake.
My family: Um. You know she’s a fictional character, right?
Me: She’s real to me.
My family: Sure. Cake. Yeah, um… cake. (smiling and nodding as they usually do when I come up with nonsense)
A while later…
Me: Where’s my cake?
My family: You weren’t serious, were you?
Me: It’s Eden’s birthday. I must have cake. And whiskey. Eden likes whiskey. I want cake and whiskey.
My family: (exchange uneasy glances)
And yet a while later…
Yeah. Cupcakes, but no whiskey. What’s up with that? I guess they don’t really take me seriously. Anyway, I apologize for not being a food blogger. The cupcakes aren’t all super-pretty like lots of food photos I see, but omg they were GOOD. The recipe came from The Lazy Vegan Baker. We adapted Jenny’s Spring Celebration Cupcakes by putting chocolate pudding (vegan) on top instead of icing. Because Eden likes chocolate. :p And I just have to say, if you like food (and I know you do), check out Jenny’s site and her fabulous cookbook. Every recipe I’ve ever made from her site/book has come out to die for.
So that’s it for today. I’m off to do some writing. Hope you’re all having a lovely Saturday, wherever you are!