Flipped: Release Party, Giveaway, Preorder Sale, and Gnomes!

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Hey guys!  A few quick things to let you know about if you haven’t heard yet….

  • The release party will be on Saturday, Nov. 5th from 8-12 Eastern on Facebook.  I hope to see you all there!!!  https://www.facebook.com/events/126664014474462/  (The actual book release is Thursday, Nov. 3rd, but Saturday is a more convenient day to party.)
  • The giveaway for the one-of-a-kind art book edition of Flipped is up and running.  Enter here.  Sadly, the cover was destroyed (if you get my newsletter, you know all about that), but no worries!  I’m making a new cover and I’m sure it will be even better.  Due to the… um… devastation… of the first cover, there is a slight delay in the video footage of its making.  But if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the first video, which will give you a hint of what’s in store (it’s awesome).  Trust me.  You want this book.  So go enter the giveaway and support gnomes’ rights.
  • Yeah, btw, I’m getting really involved in this social cause– Equal Rights for Gnomes.  I hope you’ll join with me!
  • And you can still preorder Flipped for $2.99 on Amazon.  The price will go up after release on November 3rd, so best grab a copy now.  Plus, it’ll give you time to read some before the release party on Saturday!

That’s the main scoop!  Let me know if you have any questions.  I hope to see you all on Facebook on Saturday!  Woot!

Fairytale Evolution’s Release Date

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It’s almost here!  After some discussion with my editor, we’ve agreed on a release date for Fairytale Evolution Book One: Flipped.  The book will be released on November 3rd, 2016.  That’s only a month away!




I’m soooo pleased to report that Pol has given this book his stamp of approval.  To quote, “Would you be offended if I told you I liked this book better than E?”  I wasn’t offended at all.  Now I’m just holding my breath and hoping that you all will enjoy it as much as he has.


Soooooo… over the next month, look for some fun pre-release stuff.  I’m not sure yet what I’ll get up to, but at this point I’m thinking maybe a cool giveaway or something.  Also, I’ll be putting Flipped on preorder as well, and I’ll post to let you know when that is available.  And of course, teasers!  More coming your way.  🙂

Bad News: Delays on Endgame :(

posted in: launches and news, progress updates | 5

This past few weeks has been… well… a nightmare.  Almost three weeks ago, I finished writing Endgame.  The following morning, I received a call with news that my dad was incredibly ill.  They thought he was going to die.  Needless to say, we dropped everything to be with him.  And so began the long stretch of sitting at the bedside, trying to be brave, and putting everything else on the back burner.

We are incredibly lucky in that, so far, my dad has pulled through.  The last span of days has been a roller-coaster ride of good days and bad days, with never any certainty or ending point on the horizon.  It looks like we’re in for a long battle, and I’m OK with that, considering the alternative.

There are very few things in the world that can make me so casually set aside my writing and not even look at it.  This is one of them.  I’ve always been Daddy’s girl, and, though we’ve been dealing with health issues for years and I’ve been trying to prepare myself for losing him for years, I am simply not prepared, and I never will be.  Since I got that call, I have literally gotten nothing done.  At one point, several days in, sitting there while he slept, I attempted to do some read-through and revising on my phone.  I just kept reading and reading the same thing and I’m not sure that any of it made it through to my brain.  It was pointless.

Now, with things looking a bit better– he’s “stable”, but frail– I’m trying to get back to normal life.  At least somewhat.  We’ve managed to do some normal things like buy groceries (major victory) and get some sleep.  I’m sure many of you have been through these kinds of family crises and know how it goes.  I’m still devoting a lot of time and energy to Dad, which means that there’s not a lot left for editing and revising.  And honestly, the revision phase of writing is always difficult and energy-draining for me, unlike the writing phase, which usually recharges me.  I’m already exhausted, mentally and physically.  So this last haul will be difficult, and it will likely take longer than it would have otherwise.  And then subtract the three weeks that was just sucked into the vacuum of life.  So what this all adds up to, as I’m sure you could have guessed after reading the title of this post, is that Endgame will be arriving later than expected.

I’ve had emails and blog comments (that I still need to reply to) asking me when Endgame would be released, and generally sharing excitement and enthusiasm over the coming release.  I love receiving those and they really help motivate me.  It makes me so sad to have to announce a delay because I know you’ve all been waiting for this book.  And I’m as excited as you are about finishing the series.  Also, I don’t feel like I can give you an exact answer at this point.  I am planning on putting everything I can muster into finishing this book.  I’m a driven person, so usually I would go on that alone and have a decent amount of confidence about a time frame.  Only, in this case, I’m still living in anything-can-happen-land.  The only honest answer is that I don’t know, but I’m going to try like crazy to keep the delay from being longer than necessary.  Most likely, I think we’re looking at a matter of weeks, rather than months.  And yeah, typing that, it sounds like a long time.  All I can say is… I’m sorry.  🙁  I’ll do my best to post updates on Facebook, etc.

Thank you all for understanding, as I know you do.  A special thanks to the ladies on my street team, for their love, support, and encouragement.  🙂

I am going to send this out in a newsletter as well, so if you’re subscribed to both blog and mailing list, please forgive the duplicate post.

Elegy Launch Day Party

posted in: fiction, launches and news | 2


The Elegy Launch Day Party will take place tomorrow night (Monday, Nov. 23,) at 8-12 pm Eastern on Facebook.  Click here to go to the party.  Come and hang out if you can.  We always have tons of fun.

Official party drinks: Brain Hemorrhage (alcohol) and Sparkling Peach Punch (no alcohol)


Sparkling Peach Punch Recipe



Brain Hemorrhage Recipe:

Check out How to Make a Brain Hemorrhage by Zeke on Snapguide.


Elegy is LIVE one day early.

If you just can’t wait to get your copy, Elegy is available a little sooner than expected.  You can follow my affiliate link below, or you can do a search on Amazon.

Enjoy reading!  I hope you are all having a great weekend!




Eden’s Release Day is here!!! Release Day Blast Roll Call:

posted in: launches and news | 4

Woohoo!  It’s finally here!  I’m so incredibly delighted to be sharing yet another book with you.  I loved every minute of writing Eden, and I hope that you’ll love this story as much as I do.

So many thanks to all the incredible bloggers, fans, and fellow authors who are helping to spread the word with the Release Day Blast.  I’ve sent out some different guest posts and excerpts from Eden, so if you visit these blogs, you will be able to read them.  (Unfortunately, I noticed a glitch with my formatting where some of the posts have appeared with the excerpts missing all the paragraph spacing, so I apologize in advance.)  Below is list of the sites who are celebrating the release with me.  Stop by, share, like, and leave comments if you can.  Let’s show these bloggers some love and appreciation!  🙂


Where Books Lead Us


Twitter: @tigerreads or https://twitter.com/TigerReads & @robinhartloff or https://twitter.com/RobinHartloff

Histogram: @_foreverbooklover_






@CometBabesBooks or https://twitter.com/CometBabesBooks


The YA Lit Chick



Tricia Drammeh, author

Twitter: @triciadrammeh

Krysten Lindsay Hagger, author

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KrystenLindsay

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KrystenLindsayHagerAuthor

Marlene Moss, author


Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MarleneMoss1

H. L. Burke, author


Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/hlburkewriter

Mike Gaudy


We’re All Bookish Here

Twitter: https://twitter.com/allbookishhere

Amie’s Book Reviews


Twitter:  http://twitter.com/amieroger

Elizabeth Davies, author


Twitter: @BethsBooks or https://twitter.com/BethsBooks

Jane Dougherty, author


Twitter: @MJDougherty33 or https://twitter.com/MJDougherty33

Victoria “Tori” Zigler, Children’s author and poet


Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/victoriazigler

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Victoria-Zigler/424999294215717

Nicola Dorrington, author


Twitter:  @NSDorrington or https://twitter.com/NSDorrington

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NovelsByNsDorrington


…More coming later today.  🙂




The new covers are now in print!

posted in: launches and news | 2

stackedMy proofs of E and Evolution with the new covers arrived in the mail today.  They look pretty good, if I do say so myself!  So yeah, I’ve approved them for sale and they are up on Createspace now.  They should be on Amazon within the week.

I got all excited about it and took a bunch of pictures.  Check ’em out.

front covers

back covers



sidebysideleft sidebysiderightclose



You can order them here:




*Whispers* Don’t worry, Mom.  I’ve got you covered.  😉

Upcoming Promo on E, Rambles About Book 2

posted in: launches and news, progress updates | 0

I mentioned not long ago that E would be going on promo sometime soon.  I thought this would be during the month of September, but it turns out that the advertising that I want to do in conjunction with the promo could not be scheduled until October.  So… on October 3rd E will be going on sale on Kindle for 99 cents.  It’s a great time to tell your friends about it.  🙂

I’m sure these updates are getting a little boring, but I’m stilllllllllll editing.  This is probably the most tedious part of writing a book, but it is so important.  I want the next book to be as good as it can be when it hits the shelves.  There are always lots of loose bits that need to be tightened up, and things that amuse me, the writer, but apparently amuse no one else….  Those have to be dealt with.  I also tend to understate things at times, and my editor always catches me on those and demands I rewrite them properly.  :p  I’ve just gotten back a rewrite of the first section of the book with a note that says “BETTER”.  I had to ask what “BETTER” meant, specifically, and apparently it translates to a pass… however I still feel I would like to make some changes, so I think I’m going to have another look at it.  First I’m going to finish my rewrite of the next section so that my editor can get on with that.  We’re coming up on deadline quickly, and I am determined to release in November at the latest.

Some things to look forward to in the second book:

  • The world outside of Outpost Three.
  • More of the characters you love, and some new ones.
  • Answers.  I know you want them.  (They come with a side of some more questions.)

E is available in print!

posted in: launches and news | 0

As promised, E is now available in print!  I received my proof a couple of days early, and everything looks good.  I’ve gone ahead and approved it for sale.  So… if you have been waiting for the print version of E, you can now get it.

E is available in the Createspace eStore for $8.99 (plus shipping) as of now.  Within 3-5 days, the print version will also be on Amazon.  International pricing is comparable.

I’ve tried to keep the print pricing down as much as possible.  In order to do this, I have forgone placing E in some expanded distribution channels that would allow me to market to libraries, bookstores, and so on (because doing so raises the print costs).  This is for the time being, and I will be adding E to those sales channels eventually, which will increase the price by a few dollars, FYI.

Meanwhile, I have started my first edit of TMT, and I have also done some more writing of the rough draft of the prequel, which may be my favorite book yet!


Here’s a preview of the first 2 1/2 chapters:

TMT is written! And, the launch of a new Indie site, Rock the Book!

posted in: launches and news | 3

TMT, round 1, is done!

I’ve been a little AWOL, trying to catch up on things, and have been trying to get to this post for a couple of days.  So first, in exciting news, my rough draft of TMT is complete!  I finished my manuscript the night before last, and we are a week and a half ahead of schedule.  I’m letting it sit for a few days at least, before I leap into editing, because it is so hard to see what’s wrong when you are too close to the writing.  Expect editing to take a few months, minimum.  I will now go through one massive hack-and-slash with multiple rewrites.  Once I think I’ve massacred it enough, it goes to my fabulous editor, Pol Blaze.  There could be some delays there, because he is deep in the writing process of one very awesome sci-fi novel.  I’m lucky enough to get to read it as he goes along, and damn, it’s good!  Actually, all his stuff is amazing, and makes me feel like a little kid writer in comparison.  He’s just so good it hurts.  If only I could get him to quit stockpiling and just publish this stuff!  *Gets on her ass-kicking boots*

If you haven’t read the first book in my dystopian series yet, now’s the time!  Here’s the sample of E:

Rock the Book

So aside from all that, I have some more super-exciting news.  I have banded together with fellow Indie writers Nicola S. Dorrington (you’ve seen her author interview on my Extras page, I hope) and Leti Del Mar to create a new blog just for Indie authors and the people who love them.  The blog is called Rock the Book, and will be packed full of articles and resources for Indie authors.  We will be doing Indie book reviews, author spotlights and interviews, and much, much more.  This site is geared toward helping out the Indie community.  Everything is free, so you won’t find any hidden give-us-money schemes.

So, today is launch day!  Stop on by and leave a comment, or sign up to follow.  If you are an Indie author, don’t hesitate to sign up for an interview, spotlight, or book review.  These will be filling up fast  so get on board now!  If you’re a blogger or book reviewer, consider helping us by writing a guest review.  We are also open for guest posts, so if you have some fabulous content you’d like to share, please let us know.  There are forms on the site you can fill out for pretty much all of these.  If you don’t find a form for it, just give us a shout through email.

If you’re a reader, please stop on by and show your support for Indie authors.  You’ll be able to find out about new books, learn about the writing/publishing process, and connect with authors.  Everyone is also invited to participate in our Think Tanks.  Just make sure you sign up– we’ll need your email– and then you will automatically be included in group interviews and hot topic conversations that will be posted to the site.

Please share this with all the Indie authors and readers you know.  And follow @RTBIndie on Twitter.