Enter for a chance to own Lily’s journal

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As promised…

At the release party for Eden, I unveiled my plan to hold a very special giveaway for the release of Jason and Lily.  I wanted to do something special this time.  Something amazing.  Something… you know… geeky.  I had a long think about what I could do, and decided to make Lily’s journal.  Yes.  The journal.  Which happens to be Jason and Lily, for those of you who haven’t figured it out yet.

I also mentioned at the party that the giveaway would be FANS ONLY, which was met with great support.  The reason for this is simple:  This book is special to me, and I wanted it to go to someone who would not just kinda like it.  But to someone who would LOVE it.  Someone who had read the stories and lived in them for a time.  Someone who could connect with it.

It’s possible that that someone is you.

Have a look at this little video, and then I’ll ramble at you about it some more.  😀


You’re probably thinking…

What the heck is Kate gonna make me do to get this journal???

That’s a very good question.  The number one thing is, you have to prove you’re a fan.  You might notice that there is a required entry option on the Rafflecopter giveaway.  You have to take a quiz.  It’s not hard, and you can retake it if you mess up.  But you have to have read E in order to pass.  Or be incredibly good at guessing.  Hopefully you’ll find it somewhat amusing.

Bonus entries once you’ve passed???  Oh, you know.  The usual.  Tweet that you’re a fan, follow me on Facebook and Goodreads, post a selfie with an E on your forehead.  To be fair, here’s one of me. me with an e

OK, I cheated.  It’s Photoshopped.  But only because my husband couldn’t find the one he took of me at our first crrrrazy little release party in which it was really Sharpie.  If you want, you can Photoshop yours, too!  So yeah, it’s all in good fun.  I’ve added lots of bonus point options to the giveaway so you can fangirl/fanboy to your heart’s content.

FYI, some of the bonus point options involve posting to my blog, which I’ve installed a neat little plugin so you can all have at it!  It’s new, obviously, and only tested briefly.  I’m thinking it might work best if you’re not on mobile, so if you have the option, it might be better to post from a “real” computer.  If you don’t see your post up within twenty-four hours and you know you haven’t written anything profane, etc, then please send me an email or contact me through the “Contact” page.  I want to make sure that you all get your entries, and like I said, it’s new.

Ah, the details.

DSC_0090The journal in question was handmade, handbound by me, the author.  It’s dimensions are approximately 9″ in height, 6″ in width, and a whopping 4″ in depth.  Why is it so incredibly thick?  The pages are made of high-quality parchment paper, which is a bit thicker than in a normal book.  Acid-free, archival quality, and so on and so forth.  The book is printed in a handwriting-style font, which was made big enough to appear as though the whole thing was really handwritten.  And that takes a lot of paper! In an effort to preserve the illusion that this is indeed Lily’s journal, there is no title page.  You will only find the title on the copyright page, along with a quote, my signature, and the labeling “1 of 1”, as this is the first book in a series of one.  Meaning it is the only one of its kind.


The cover is high-quality bookboard covered in mottled blue bookcloth.  You might recognize it.  This book was used for the background photo of the official cover of Jason and Lily.  It’s already famous, see.DSC_0092


The binding was hand sewn by Yours Truly, using traditional bookbinding methods.  It’s called a coptic binding or perfect binding.DSC_0076





The pages are individually folded, then arranged into groups (or signatures)…





Holes are poked, then each signature is sewn to the next one, one at a time.




I also included some decorative knot work in the middle of the binding, which you might remember is how Lily’s journal was described.  The binding was sewn with 5-cord waxed thread in brown.



How long did it take you to make it?

Forever.  Oh, OK, about a week.  Like a full week of my life, actively working on it.  Not including writing the story, of course.

How many times did you poke yourself?

At least seven.

WHY are you giving it away instead of keeping it?

Because I love you guys!  I wanted to give something back.

What if I haven’t read E yet and I still want to enter?

Well, get on it!  You have until August 8th to enter.

Is the contest open to those of us outside of the US?

Sadly, no.  And the reason for this is… international shipping is too unreliable.  Since this is a one-of-a-kind item, it would be a tragedy if it got lost in customs or something like that.  Therefore, with a heavy heart, I made the decision to keep this giveaway open to the US only. Check out the official contest rules:

The Prove You’re A Fan Giveaway, administered by Kate Wrath, runs from July 15-August 8, 2015.  The giveaway is open to US residents only.  One winner will be randomly selected via Rafflecopter.  The winner will be contacted through email within one week following the end of the giveaway.  The winner must provide their shipping information in order to receive the prize.  The winner will receive a one-of-a-kind handbound edition of Jason and Lily by Kate Wrath.  Entrants’ information will never be sold or shared, with the exception of public posts to Kate Wrath’s blog, in which the entrant will have control over the content submitted.  This content will appear on Kate Wrath’s blog and will be automatically shared via social media.  Limitation of Liability: Kate Wrath will in no way be held liable for the use of information, text, video, and/or photographs posted by an entrant.  By posting content an entrant is agreeing to allow Kate Wrath to use the content publicly without restriction.  The winner will be announced via Rafflecopter and on Kate Wrath’s blog at [https://www.katewrath.com/blog-blog-blog/](https://www.katewrath.com/blog-blog-blog/).  NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to enter.  Review copies of E are available upon request by emailing the author at kate(at)katewrath(dot)com.

Is it perfect?

Uh… I made it.  So, no.  I am not now nor have I ever been a professional bookbinder.  Its handmade quality means there are minor imperfections.  But it’s pretty damned awesome, anyway.

WHERE did you learn bookbinding, for crying out loud?

I have an arsenal of impressive skills I keep around for times of need.

Are you a ninja?

*snorts coffee through her nose*   No.

I happen to be a forensic scientist.  What will I find under my microscope if I win?

Probably some tiny bits of me, minor German Shepherd fluff, and a few itty bitty sparkles of pink glitter (kids, psh).


Alrighty then.  If you have further questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.  Now get out there and be a fan!  May the biggest fan win.

Let the games begin!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway winners:

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The Eden Release Day Rafflecopter giveaway is now over and winners have been randomly selected.  Congratulations to the following winners:

Grand prize – Have a character in Book 4 named after you:


Signed page from the original manuscript of Eden:



Ebook from the E Series (winner’s choice):






Congrats to all the winners!  If you’re on this list, you should be receiving an email from me today.  🙂

(And for the rest of us… look for another giveaway coming up soon for the release of Jason and Lily.)



Giveaway and Facebook Party

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E symbol E3

To celebrate the release of Eden, I’m doing a Rafflecopter giveaway…

You can win…

*One lucky winner will have a character named after them.  This will be a new character introduced in Book 4 of the E Series.

*2 winners will receive signed pages from the original manuscript of Eden.

*5 winners will receive their choice of ebook from the E Series.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Facebook Party is TONIGHT!

…As a matter of fact, it starts in about three hours!  Hope to see you all there.  🙂  8-12 pm Eastern

Click here to go to the party.


Come and celebrate with us!
Come and celebrate with us!

Eden Teaser #13 – The Prologue

posted in: fiction, teasers, Uncategorized | 2



Pounding, slamming, punching, fingers crunching. Tangled arms and lungs and nothing working can’t move can’t breathe—

“Eden! Eden!” Jonas’ voice explodes in my ear. “Goddammit stop this thing right now!” Panting—mine, his. A soft breath of voice. “It’s OK. It’s OK.”

“We are stopping. It takes a minute!”

“You’re OK,” Jonas says as the world slides sideways, our shoulders ramming into a wall.

A huge rectangle of daylight appears in the hull. All I can see is white—bright, bright white that makes me squeeze my eyes closed—but I’m scrambling for it, falling out the door and onto the road. I scrape myself off the pavement and stumble away, making Jonas’ hand miss my back. He reaches for me again as I stand to the side, hands on knees, head down, gulping air. I swallow down the bile. I am OK. It’s just a stupid armored truck. Nothing more.

I take long, deep breaths through my nose, sucking in clean, fresh air. I straighten and look at the wide stretch of blue sky beyond the road, remembering how open and endless the world is beyond the barriers.


I nod, turning toward Jonas. I am OK. I’m not even embarrassed. Not terribly. Not until I see Spec standing there, his pale eyes wide as he watches me.

Something in me snaps. “I have some issues. OK?”

Spec’s eyes flick from me to Jonas. He licks his lips, shrugs his shoulders like he’s taking off a pack, and tosses me a smile. “Don’t we all.” He looks to the front of our convoy, and to the back. “Is this going to keep happening?”

My jaw tightens, but I lift my chin. “I’ll get used to it.” My eyes scan past him to the long stripe of road that lies ahead of us. “How much longer?”

He laughs as he turns back to the truck. “You better get used to it,” he says. “There’ll be lots of places where you can’t get out. Places where stopping equals dying.”

As he disappears back into the truck, Jonas and I lock gazes. His green eyes are wary, but his mouth is a line of determination.

“What’s your trick?” I ask, half pissed-off that he’s dealing just fine with being packed in a metal box again.

He shakes his head, looking away. Disconnected. We’re so, so disconnected.

Giving up on an answer, I start to move past him, but his gaze flicks back to me.

He doesn’t smile, not the way I’d like. But there’s something real in his eyes. “I’m mostly just focusing on how badly I have to pee.”

I laugh unexpectedly, running my fingers through my hair. A glance at him reveals his gorgeous face stretched into a wide smile. As I step toward the truck, I keep my voice level, covering up the flutter of emotion inside me. “Does that mean I shouldn’t take a pee break now?”

“God, no,” he says. “Take a pee break. There are places where peeing equals dying.”

Wearing a smirk of amusement, I move between the trucks to take his advice. I gesture to the driver to turn around, tossing him a glare that ensures his quick compliance. It’s the most privacy I’ll get out here, so I try not to think about it. Instead, my mind wanders back to Jonas. He doesn’t realize it, but he really has helped. That smile. That moment of connection. A guilty little indulgence to hang onto when I close my eyes in the dark pit. Healthy? Probably not. Good idea? Unlikely. I thought I was past that. But sometimes you’ve got to make concessions. Choose your poison. Especially in our messed-up world, where stopping equals dying. …Where peeing equals dying….

I snicker as I squat.

Cover of Eden

  • Counting down to launch...
  • Come and celebrate with us!
  • Book Three goes tropical.
  • Have a character named after you.

T -2 Days to the release of Eden!

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As you can probably all guess, I’m getting toooooooooooootally excited about the upcoming release, now.  Jitters, butterflies in the tummy, and general bounciness.  Sending a new book out into the world is both nerve-wracking and a helluva lot of fun!

There’s a lot of awesome stuff to look forward to over the next few days.  On the 13th, there’s a bunch of excerpts and guest posts that will be floating around the internet, so if you don’t get enough of my rambling here, definitely go check them out and give those amazing bloggers some love!  I’ll be posting a list of links to those websites for your viewing convenience.

I’ve set up a Rafflecopter giveaway that will run from the 13th to the 20th.  You can win signed pages from the original manuscript of Eden, your choice of ebook from The E Series, or, get this, one lucky winner will get a character named after him/her in Book 4.

Me brainstorming new characters….

And don’t forget about the Facebook Party on June 13th.  You can post at any time and you may catch me, but I will be there, live, from 8-12 pm Eastern.  Don’t miss this chance to come hang out, ask your questions, and talk E with me, my (super-hunky and adorable) editor, and other fans!  Also, people who come to the party will get the heads-up on a special project I have in the works for the upcoming release of the prequel.  And you can get extra entries in the Rafflecopter giveaway just for coming to the party– it doesn’t get much better than that!  On our end, we’re planning on some sort of pinappley drinks worthy of the tropical setting of the new book (psst, it’s Miami).  So yeah, get all set to kick back and enjoy a fun night with us!  (I’ll be sending out a reminder to my mailing list the day before, so if you’re subscribed, you’ll be hearing from me.)miami-beach-674068_640

…And, tomorrow, get your first glimpse of Eden here, as I’ll be posting the prologue.

So there you have it, a coupla days of fun and games!  I hope you’re all as excited as I am, and I can’t wait to see you guys at the party!


An amazing book, for #FREE

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Just wanted to share with you all that my friend’s book is free right now.  I think this is *such* an awesome book, so if you haven’t read Jane Dougherty’s The Dark Citadel yet, you should definitely grab a free copy and see what you think!  I’m not sure how long the promo is on for, so the sooner you get a copy, the better!


Jason and Lily Cover Reveal

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Eden is out in three weeks, and here’s what’s next:  Jason and Lily

Cover of Jason and Lily

Long before Outpost Three…

Before battles,

Before journeys….

Before the shattering of old worlds…

…And the building of new ones….

Long before Eden and Jonas…

there was…

Jason and Lily.

Available July 23rd.

Click here to pre-order on Amazon.