A couple more awesome 5-star reviews

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I’m a little behind, but I have received a couple more 5-star reviews. Here are links to these amazing book bloggers:

Reviews With A Twist – Anka has done a beautiful, detailed review of E.  I love the creativity on this one!

Where Books Lead Us – Robin’s review is short and sweet, but awesome none-the-less!


Many, many thanks to both of these lovely ladies for taking the time to read and review E!

Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited: Read E for Free

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Wow.  Where do I begin?

I just found out (thanks, Rae) that E is listed on Amazon’s new Kindle Unlimited program.  So what exactly is that?

Check it out here: Kindle Unlimited

Basically, for $9.99 a month, you can read any book on the program for free.  Amazon says there are 600,000+ titles to choose from.  E is one of those.  Is it worth it?  I don’t know.  You’d have to read a lot (some of you do).  You make the call.  Is the free one-month trial worth it?  Heck yeah!  It’s free!

So this is the part where I tell you to go check it out and download my book.  Authors only get paid if you read 10% or more of the download, but I am pretty sure that if you start reading E you won’t want to stop.  At least that’s what I’ve been told.  So go on.  I dare you.


Disclaimer: For my author friends… I am honestly still not sure how I feel about this program, and the above statements are not necessarily my approval!  I’m still thinking about it.  Right now, I don’t have enough information.  All I know is, like it or not, my book is part of the program.  I figure I’ll make the most of that, and see how things work out.  And for my readers… that means that E might not be in this program past August 1st, when I have to make my decision whether or not to renew the KDP Select program.  So best to get it now!

You can start reading right here for free, right now!


5 Cupcakes for E (and you know I like cupcakes)!

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This morning, another review for E went up.  Check out this blog, Booklover 2.0, run by a very talented young lady who is also an aspiring writer.  Laquesha writes about all kinds of fun stuff on her blog, with a focus on books, fashion, and love.

Reading this review made me, yet again, a happy writer.  Laquesha really connected with my story, and I just love that.  I’m super-excited that I get to do an interview with her soon!  She has already sent me the questions, and let me tell you, they are awesome.  It’s the coolest thing when someone ‘gets’ your work, and then you get to talk shop with them!

Tons of love and thanks to Laquesha for taking the time to read and review E for me.

A great review from an amazing reviewer

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There are reviewers, and then there are reviewers.  When I asked Rae Slater to review my novel, it was not without trepidation.  Why?  Because she is an amazing, thoughtful, intelligent reviewer.  She doesn’t miss much, and she doesn’t hold back.  And while, yes, these are the perfect qualities that any reader would want in a reviewer, for an author it can be scary.

Well, I really believe in my work, so, cringing just a little, I handed my baby over.

…Then there was the waiting.  Would she like it?  Would she hate it?  Would she find problems that I was not even aware of as a writer?  I mean, let’s face it.  This is the girl who gave The Fault In Our Stars a 4 out of 5.  That’s just plain intimidating.

OK, so the verdict is in.  Rae has give 4.5 out of 5 stars (yes!), and the missing points were taken off because of my cover.  I can so live with that!  (Guess who I’ll be asking for advice on my next cover, by the way!)  You can read all of Rae’s comments on her blog What Happened to the Wallflower?  where she details everything and awards points by category for cover, narrative, plot, and characters.

This one really made my day.  I feel like I have passed a test or something.  Many thanks to Rae for taking the time to read and review E!




Behind the Novel: 5-star review, and first impressions from Booklover 2.0

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It was an exciting morning.  I love getting nice stuff in my inbox.  And there’s nothing nicer than hearing good things about my book!  This was all a complete surprise.  I knew these lovely ladies were both going to review my book eventually, but I didn’t know it was coming today.  And not just one, but two nice chunks of feedback.  It was a bit like Christmas.  🙂


You can see Alice Dee’s five-star review of E on her writing blog, Behind the Novel.

And on Booklover 2.0, Laquesha has blogged about her first impressions as she gets into E.  (As an author, I just love the peek into the mind of a reader who has not finished my book yet!)

Oh, and if you haven’t seen my featured artist spotlight on Light Knocks yet, that is definitely worth a read.

Lots of love to all you awesome bloggers, readers, and my fellow authors.  Hope you are all having a feels-like-Christmas day, too!


Read the first 2 1/2 chapters of E:






I’m this month’s talent on Light Knocks!

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Light Knocks is an awesome website for creative people, run by Jerome and Tiffany, who describe their site as “a collective community of creative minds that are pursuing a common goal, living a purposeful life, collaborating our talents, showcasing our passions, and bringing awareness to our generation.”  At Light Knocks, you will find all kinds of awesome talent across the board of the creative industries.  There’s music, film, writing, and more.

In addition to artist spotlights, you will find inspirational quotes, advice, and a lot of thoughtful articles to help keep your creative juices flowing.  There’s something at Light Knocks for everyone.

I’m absolutely thrilled to be featured on Light Knocks this month!  A big thanks to Jerome and Tiffany for having me!

OK, so head on over to Light Knocks and check it out!

The Proof is in the Pudding… or in the mail, in this case.

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Proudly reporting that I did it:  I finished my revisions to the print version of E.  All the files were cleared this morning, and the proof is on its way.  I expect to receive it on or around July 8th.  I’m feeling really good about this one.  So, fingers-crossed, the print version should be available shortly after I receive the proof.  I’m excited.

Here’s a mock-up of the back:


e back in 3dThere will be an extra bar-code, of course, and the print version will be trade paperback in 6×9.



Been working away…

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Hey everyone!  I know I’ve been a bit quiet this week.  Things have been busy, as usual.  I figured I better take a moment to drop in and let you know what I’ve been up to.

I know I’ve been slacking off on the promised print version of E, and some people have been asking for that.  So, I’ve been working on the cover to try to sort out the issues with it printing darker than I like.  This is a slightly experimental process, so it may be a while yet.  But it is on the way.  Promise.  I’ve also done some improvements to the spine, thanks to my pal Nicola’s great, insightful advice.  (Her book, Chasing Freedom, has an awesome spine, so I felt I really needed to listen to her on this one!)  I really like the way it has come out, so now, if it just prints right….  We’ll see.

I’ve had some ideas for changes to TMT, so I think I know what I want to concentrate on when I do start editing.  I haven’t touched it yet (except for one sentence I just had to change).  I’ve made some notes.  I had an epiphany or two.  And I think I have settled on a title.  I want to give the title a while in the back of my brain and see if I still like it later, though.  In the meantime, we’ll still call it TMT.

I’ve also been mulling over cover ideas, and to be honest, I’m a bit stumped.  There are a lot of elements and ideas that I would like to include, but honestly, I have not found anything that just clicks with me yet.  I also want to keep some consistency between the books in the series, so I am considering how to keep some of the things from the cover of E.  I’m betting there will still be a lily.

…And, I’ve started going through the first book in my FE fantasy series, so I can really think about getting it ready for publication.  Picture this:  me + machete + book + evil grin.  Yep, that’s about right.  It ain’t pretty.

And of course, we’re all excited over at Rock the Book as the site is getting off the ground and taking off.  We’ve had lots of traffic, and we’re all having fun getting to really be part of the Indie community.

I’m probably forgetting plenty, but as you can see, I’ve had my hands full.

I hope everything is going great for all you amazing readers out there, and you’re all keeping cool and enjoying the summer!




Enter to Win: Four Great Ebooks

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Nicola S. Dorrington is offering a free ebook giveaway to celebrate the launch of her newest book, Chasing Freedom.  Here’s the prize:

Chasing Freedom by Nicola S. Dorrington

The Last Knight by Nicola S. Dorrington

Land of the Unaltered by Leti Del Mar

E by Kate Wrath

Enter to win on Nicola’s blog, The Writer’s Desk.

Look what came in the mail! My proof copy of E!

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I was absolutely thrilled to receive my proof copy of E in the mail today.  Here it is:

E trade paperback


Now I get to spend some time reading it (for like the 2000th time) to make sure there aren’t any errors.  I think I end up with more errors from my proof-reading than I have in the first place, though.  So far, I found a stray period at the beginning of a chapter.  How did it get there?  I really don’t know.  I blame gremlins.

the offending dot
the offending dot

Also, the cover printed a touch darker than I’d hoped for, so I will be fixing that.  There is a shadow on the back cover that printed so dark it covers some graffiti.  You can see the graffiti fine in the file on my computer, but in print, no, that would be too much to ask for.  This is exactly why I am not a graphic design artist.

So, you can guess what I’ll be up to this week.  Along with that, still ticking away on the word count.  Book 2 is about 1/3 written.  43,000+ words as of today, and counting!

…and read Chapter 1 of E here.