Fairytale Evolution’s Release Date

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It’s almost here!  After some discussion with my editor, we’ve agreed on a release date for Fairytale Evolution Book One: Flipped.  The book will be released on November 3rd, 2016.  That’s only a month away!




I’m soooo pleased to report that Pol has given this book his stamp of approval.  To quote, “Would you be offended if I told you I liked this book better than E?”  I wasn’t offended at all.  Now I’m just holding my breath and hoping that you all will enjoy it as much as he has.


Soooooo… over the next month, look for some fun pre-release stuff.  I’m not sure yet what I’ll get up to, but at this point I’m thinking maybe a cool giveaway or something.  Also, I’ll be putting Flipped on preorder as well, and I’ll post to let you know when that is available.  And of course, teasers!  More coming your way.  🙂

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