Giveaway: A handmade book

posted in: Uncategorized | 31

Hey everyone!  Many of you may remember the handmade book I gave away to celebrate the release of Jason and Lily.  Well, I guess I just couldn’t get enough of the handmade book thing, because I’m doing it again!  I’m making a hand bound edition of Flipped to give away to one lucky winner.  This time, it gets even better….


A while back, I saw some gorgeous handmade journals from Latvian artist Aniko Kolesnikova.  She makes decorative polymer clay panels and affixes them to writing journals.  Well, when I was thinking of how to make this release special, and my thoughts turned to another handmade book, I ended up wondering if I could incorporate this same sort of decorative element.  So I did some research, and turns out… it’s a perfect fit!  As a matter of fact, rather than attaching a piece to the cover, my decorative piece is the cover.


Check out this video of the beginning of the process.  (And yeah, I know I sound like a little kid.)  :p


Like I said in the video, this is only the beginning of the process!  I’ll be posting more videos soon to show you the journal as it comes together.  The giveaway will be open to everyone, and it will also be up soon… so make sure you stay tuned for your chance to win this one-of-a-kind art book.


31 Responses

  1. David Woodall

    I think your cover is really cool! A guy here in Texas makes mini-books. I would like to make a mini. BTW, I am ready for E3. I couldn’t resist reading E0. Loved E1, but E2 was a little slow ( my fault) read. I liked how the prequel answered a lot of my questions. I am going to take my time with the series, because I hate for a good well written story to end. I will leave some reviews on Amazon. Do you you read the reviews on your books? I don’t read many, cause I want to create my own opinion and mine is really the only one that matters Thanks for the neat story!

    • Kate

      Hi, David! Thanks! I love making books. The mini books sound awesome. Maybe that’s a project for the future! I think maybe it’s the combination of art + books that really gets me. Two things I love.

      I think the main thing about the reading order of The E Series is to read the prequel after the first book. I know a lot of people think it’s important to wait, but I think it could be interesting in a lot of different orders– even reading the prequel to start out. I guess everyone will have a different experience based on how they choose to read it.

      Thanks so much for the reviews. They help a lot! I try to read all my reviews, but I will be honest and say that I probably do miss some. It’s really hard to keep up with them, these days! When I’m shopping for a book, on the other hand, I don’t like to read reviews. I’ll look at the star ratings, but I don’t like spoilers. I don’t like watching movie trailers, either! I like to go into a new story knowing absolutely nothing about what’s going to happen.

      I hope you enjoy the rest of the series! Thanks for commenting! 🙂

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