I was absolutely thrilled to receive my proof copy of E in the mail today. Here it is:
Now I get to spend some time reading it (for like the 2000th time) to make sure there aren’t any errors. I think I end up with more errors from my proof-reading than I have in the first place, though. So far, I found a stray period at the beginning of a chapter. How did it get there? I really don’t know. I blame gremlins.

Also, the cover printed a touch darker than I’d hoped for, so I will be fixing that. There is a shadow on the back cover that printed so dark it covers some graffiti. You can see the graffiti fine in the file on my computer, but in print, no, that would be too much to ask for. This is exactly why I am not a graphic design artist.
So, you can guess what I’ll be up to this week. Along with that, still ticking away on the word count. Book 2 is about 1/3 written. 43,000+ words as of today, and counting!
Say something!!! :)