Life has just been crazily busy these days, but I thought I’d make a quick post to let you know that I’m alive and kicking. Elegy is coming along quite well, and I’m still hoping to release it in the late fall (maybe the end of November). The word count is now at 93,000 words and climbing, which is pretty much a whole book, but I’m not done with the story yet, so it looks like this one will be a long one. defines ‘elegy’ as:
“a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem, especially a funeral song or a lament for the dead.”

Some interesting things in Elegy (in no particular order):
- Another journey.
- Jonas participates in The Contest for the right to rule Wynwood.
- Somebody falls head over heels in love.
- Eden makes some life-changing/world-altering decisions.
- Apollon says the word ‘quack’ repeatedly.
- Some new characters, including Lozzi, who is named after… well… Lozzi (our contest winner).
- Some old characters. Not saying who, but we know who you’re all hoping for.
- Eden and Apollon’s relationship takes an interesting turn.
- Jonas apologizes.
- Eden smells octopi.
- A kick-ass Sentry battle (Am I allowed to call it ‘kick-ass’ if I wrote it? *Shrugs*)
- Death, destruction, and rock ‘n’ roll. OK, maybe not the rock ‘n’ roll.
…for starters. So, yeah, a lot of changes in this book, and some things that never change. Kind of like life.
I still have not set an official release day.
This will depend somewhat on my editor, and whether he makes me rewrite the book a thousand times along with ten pages of “I will not write crappy sentences. I will not write crappy sentences. I will not write crappy sentences…”
Hopefully not.
Meanwhile… everything is going great.
The E Series had record sales in the month of July. Thanks so much to all of you who are out there supporting my work and spreading the word. Thanks for all the new reviews, likes, and shares. I count myself very lucky that you’re all part of my writing journey.
As for blogging…
I often find myself running out of things to say. Usually I communicate through my stories. At any rate, if you have any questions, topics you’d like me to write about, etc, I will happily take the suggestions. Feel free to reach out through the comments, email, or social media.
I hope this finds you all well. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Say something!!! :)