TMT is written! And, the launch of a new Indie site, Rock the Book!

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TMT, round 1, is done!

I’ve been a little AWOL, trying to catch up on things, and have been trying to get to this post for a couple of days.  So first, in exciting news, my rough draft of TMT is complete!  I finished my manuscript the night before last, and we are a week and a half ahead of schedule.  I’m letting it sit for a few days at least, before I leap into editing, because it is so hard to see what’s wrong when you are too close to the writing.  Expect editing to take a few months, minimum.  I will now go through one massive hack-and-slash with multiple rewrites.  Once I think I’ve massacred it enough, it goes to my fabulous editor, Pol Blaze.  There could be some delays there, because he is deep in the writing process of one very awesome sci-fi novel.  I’m lucky enough to get to read it as he goes along, and damn, it’s good!  Actually, all his stuff is amazing, and makes me feel like a little kid writer in comparison.  He’s just so good it hurts.  If only I could get him to quit stockpiling and just publish this stuff!  *Gets on her ass-kicking boots*

If you haven’t read the first book in my dystopian series yet, now’s the time!  Here’s the sample of E:

Rock the Book

So aside from all that, I have some more super-exciting news.  I have banded together with fellow Indie writers Nicola S. Dorrington (you’ve seen her author interview on my Extras page, I hope) and Leti Del Mar to create a new blog just for Indie authors and the people who love them.  The blog is called Rock the Book, and will be packed full of articles and resources for Indie authors.  We will be doing Indie book reviews, author spotlights and interviews, and much, much more.  This site is geared toward helping out the Indie community.  Everything is free, so you won’t find any hidden give-us-money schemes.

So, today is launch day!  Stop on by and leave a comment, or sign up to follow.  If you are an Indie author, don’t hesitate to sign up for an interview, spotlight, or book review.  These will be filling up fast  so get on board now!  If you’re a blogger or book reviewer, consider helping us by writing a guest review.  We are also open for guest posts, so if you have some fabulous content you’d like to share, please let us know.  There are forms on the site you can fill out for pretty much all of these.  If you don’t find a form for it, just give us a shout through email.

If you’re a reader, please stop on by and show your support for Indie authors.  You’ll be able to find out about new books, learn about the writing/publishing process, and connect with authors.  Everyone is also invited to participate in our Think Tanks.  Just make sure you sign up– we’ll need your email– and then you will automatically be included in group interviews and hot topic conversations that will be posted to the site.

Please share this with all the Indie authors and readers you know.  And follow @RTBIndie on Twitter.


3 Responses

  1. Nicola Dorrington

    Fabulous news about finishing the sequel! I know I for one am desperately waiting to read it!

    • Kate

      Aw, thanks! I can’t wait to get it out there. I made sure to include plenty of Apollon, just for you, Nic!

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